
June 2017 Newsletter

CPDSA 2017 Season—

The new season has begun and Central Park has come alive. Each year the pink and white Cherry blossoms tell us when it is time to begin the Skate Circle. Then, over the course of a few weeks, the trees set tiny green buds and then finally, true leaves. Each tree has a slightly different shade of green. A rainbow of flowers and shrubs join the symphony until finally the park is in full summer regalia.

Each spring the CPDSA greets our skaters and starts anew. Our volunteers reacquaint themselves with the various tasks needed to get the Circle rolling. We check our equipment for what must be repaired or replaced. We remind ourselves of all the small individual jobs: sweeping the pavement, placing the barricades and stretching the ropes to mark our boundaries. We place signs at the entrances to explain our rules and guidelines to newcomers. We move benches and barricades to the center of our Circle to form the DJ Booth and baggage area. This ritual is repeated each day that we skate. As the season progresses, we all get better at this set up; and though it might not become easier, it does happen more quickly.

Click here to read more of the June 2017 Newsletter