
July 2017 Newsletter

Summer Is Here—

Summer is really here now. We are well into our skating season — almost half way. As in every year, we have had our share of rain, cold and heat. We persisted, we rode out the storm under our blue tarps and some danced in the rain. Sometimes the rain didn’t stop and we had to go home; still, we hung in as long as we could.

Each season brings us new challenges and opportunities, this year is no different. Our overall goal — as always — is to provide great music and a place for us to skate and dance on skates. We also provide a movable infrastructure for the comfort and safety of our participants and visitors.

As anyone who has visited the Circle can tell you, we cultivate a friendly atmosphere to encourage and support creative dance skating and dance within our boundaries. Just outside of our perimeter, others like the hoopers and flaggers, participate with us. We are dedicated to providing an event that brings a bit of joy and healthy pleasure into the world.

Click here to read more of the July 2017 Newsletter