
September 2022 Newsletter

Announcing the CPDSA Board of Directors Elections

By Bob Nichols, President, CPDSA.

[…] At the end of the 2022 skate season, after 28 years of dedicated service to the CPDSA—15 of which I served as President—I will be stepping down. We never held elections for the Board of Directors (BOD) before. We simply asked the membership who wanted to be on the board. Then the BOD chose its officers, including the President. As I’m leaving the BOD, I suggested to hold elections to stimulate members to step forward and run for office. By voting for their own representatives to steer the group, members put their trust into their leaders. It is also a reflection of the responsibility that being in a position of trust confers on a leader.

The Skate Circle is a rink like no other. We are a family—a Skate Family. We have been through a lot over the years. Just in the last 5 years, our grandfathered-in advantages have been challenged by the Park Conservancy’s new administration. They would not let us repair the cracks in the pavement after 22 years of doing so ourselves. Our storages at Mineral Springs and at the Bandshell were taken away from us. Our storage space shrunk to a comically tiny steel box out in the open and we can no longer charge our batteries inside the park. […]

Click here to read more of the September 2022 Newsletter