Category: Newsletter

June 2019 Newsletter

Looking for a Home— This year the CPDSA is facing a difficult situation. We have lost our long time storage space in the park, due to building renovations. We no longer have a space inside the park where we can keep our audio gear, our infrastructure and — most important — a place where we […]

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September 2018 Newsletter

Our Twenty-Fourth Season— This summer has flown past or perhaps I should say slid by on rain slicked pavement. The wet weather put a damper on our enjoyment of the music and skating; ironically, it also served to make the good days that much more precious.  There were many days when we took a chance […]

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July 2018 Newsletter

Happy Birthday CPDSA— In 1994, the Dinkins administration reached out to to the Skaters on the Dead Road in Central Park. The area at the North end of the road had just been repaved as part of the Bethesda Fountain and Bandshell restoration. More and more, sponsored corporate events, fundraising walks and races benefiting various […]

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June 2018 Newsletter

CPDSA 2018 Season— Each year, the Skate Circle is a little different from the year before. We never know exactly what will change, but we can be sure the new season will not be exactly the same as any one in the past. Each year, we add new DJs, new music and new skaters. Some […]

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September 2017 Newsletter

Small Changes Go A Long Way— Heading into the final months of the 2017 season, we see that the small changes we made this summer have improved our skating experience. The traffic delineators we started using on the 4th of July have proven to be a versatile lighter weight alternative to the old steel barricades […]

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July 2017 Newsletter

Summer Is Here— Summer is really here now. We are well into our skating season — almost half way. As in every year, we have had our share of rain, cold and heat. We persisted, we rode out the storm under our blue tarps and some danced in the rain. Sometimes the rain didn’t stop […]

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June 2017 Newsletter

CPDSA 2017 Season— The new season has begun and Central Park has come alive. Each year the pink and white Cherry blossoms tell us when it is time to begin the Skate Circle. Then, over the course of a few weeks, the trees set tiny green buds and then finally, true leaves. Each tree has […]

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July 2016 Newsletter

The CPDSA at 21 The CPDSA and the USA share the 4th of July as a symbol of independence and freedom. For us, the 4th was the first trial day when we were allowed to play music for our skaters in the park after three months of being silenced by Mayor Guiliani. Negotiating an agreement with […]

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May 2016 Newsletter

The Skate Circle Every spring, the Skate Circle returns to Central Park. We skaters do not abandon the park in the winter, though; some years a small group continues skating year round. Still, some New York winters can be extremely harsh, with frigid temperatures and a great deal of snow, so that we must forgo […]

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September 2015 Newsletter

Our 21st Season This has been an eventful and historic year for the CPDSA. We are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the founding of our group and we are mourning the loss of Lezly Ziering — the Skate Guru — beloved teacher and founder of the CPDSA. Life can be like that, good and bad […]

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