Category: Newsletter

Aug. 2015 Special Edition: Skate Guru Lezly Ziering

Lezly, Oh What a life! Adapted from a biographical sketch written by Lezly in the early 1990s The Central Park Dance Skaters mourn the loss of our friend, long term president and Skate Guru, Lezly Ziering. His career as a professional dancer took him around the world, onto Broadway and into the movies. At the […]

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July 2015 Newsletter

Happy 20th Birthday, CPDSA! On the Fourth of July this year, the Central Park Dance Skaters celebrated its 20th anniversary of hosting the Skate Circle in Central Park. In 1995, the newly elected Guiliani administration enacted a ban on amplified sound in public without a police permit. At the same time, the number of people […]

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June 2015 Newsletter

CPDSA 20th Anniversary Season This year, we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the CPDSA. Of course, skating in our general area of the park has been going on for more than a century. Ice skating on the Rowboat lake, is documented in photographs from the 1880s. We have photographs of skaters in the Park in […]

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October 2014 Newsletter

Special Thanks It may sound strange to those of you who have always thought of the Central Park Conservancy as an adversary or antagonist of the CPDSA, but the truth is that we have always had some good friends there. Our friendship—like all the good ones—is based on trust and mutual respect. This month marks […]

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July 2014 Newsletter

Happy Birthday CPDSA The weather this summer has been a bit cooler than usual, maybe the Polar Vortex is hanging on to whatever power it still has left. A relatively cool dry summer would be a gift to the Skate Circle, much better than some of the oppressively hot and humid years we have endured. […]

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June 2014 Newsletter

Our 20th Season? The CPDSA began it’s 20th season this year, which should be cause for celebration among the skaters who practice their art at the Skate Circle. We have survived, thrived, and continued a long tradition of skating in Central Park. Skaters have inhabited this corner of the Park in many guises for more […]

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October 2013 Newsletter

Still Skating! Two thirds of our season has rolled by in a flash. As we enter the last two months of skating at the Skate Circle we can look back and review what went well and what can be improved. One thing that has gone well is the support of our organization by our membership; […]

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July 2013 Newsletter

HAPPY 18th, CPDSA! The 4th of July; barbecues, fireworks, summer heat and the Central Park Dance Skaters Association’s Birthday party: The USA celebrates independence and freedom from the rule of a British King and the CPDSA celebrates our freedom from the rule of a controlling mayor. We have come a long way from the 4th […]

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June 2013 Newsletter

REBIRTH This year the Central Park Dance Skaters Association is redirecting and rededicating our energy to reflect our original goal of bringing a free roller skating event to Central Park every possible weekend day from April through October. Our whole reason for being is our desire to roller skate in the park. This became more important […]

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